
Krause, A. F., Essig, K., Wild-Wall, N., Ressel, C. (2024), A proposal for the concept of Pro-adaptive Cognitive Assistive Technology. (Abstract HFES).

Title Krause, A. F., Essig, K., Wild-Wall, N., Ressel, C. (2024), A proposal for the concept of Pro-adaptive Cognitive Assistive Technology. Abstract, accepted at Human Factors and Ergonomics Societey Europe (HFES). Abstract Assistive Technology is becoming an integral part of our daily live, supporting people in different areas, for example while driving a car or cognitive demanding tasks at work or home. Yet, existing Assistive Technology often only considers the current situational context and capabilities of a user.

Wild-Wall et al., (2024), Strukturen zur Berücksichtigung ethischer Aspekte in der Entwicklung von digitalen assistiven Technologien für vulnerable Gruppen.

Title Nele Wild-Wall, Christian Ressel, Kyra Kannen, André Frank Krause, Sarah Büscher, Birgit Mosler und Barbara Arntz (2024), Strukturen zur Berücksichtigung ethischer Aspekte in der Entwicklung von digitalen assistiven Technologien für vulnerable Gruppen. (under review)